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280 W River Park Drive Suite 110 Provo, UT
Our Patient's Symptoms
Our Patients' Injuries
Our Patients' Improvements

Our Patient's Symptoms

Before beginning treatment Cognitive FX patients experience a variety of symptoms. Every concussion is different, which makes them difficult for many  to understand  because the symptoms vary so broadly. Theses 5 symptoms  may be similar to yours- but your experience with concussion is unique to you! Cognitive FX Treatment is based upon the symptoms you experience due to neurovascular coupling dysregulation, autonomic dysfunction,  vision and vestibular dysfunction, and many other factors.
Top 5 Symptoms Paperwork (3)

Our Patients' Injuries

At Cognitive FX most of our patients had their concussion between 6 months and 5 years ago. Some patients come to Cognitive FX having been told their symptoms should have gone away by now. Others have been told that their symptoms will likely be there for the rest of their lives. Regardless of how long it has been since your injury, Cognitive FX takes a rehabilitative approach to your recovery. 
Time since Injury- Paperwork

Our Patients' Improvements

The real reason you are here is because you want to improve your symptoms and get back to doing what you love. Our patients consistently report improvement in their symptoms at the end of their treatment, and continuing improvement months or years after treatment. 
Improvements- Paperwork (3)

Past Patient Experience


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