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Past Patient Experience
Gayle DiNicola
Having experienced head trauma both from abuse during my early developmental years and accidents in my early adulthood, now at age 67 I began wondering if troubling cognitive decline was connected to those events. My inability to find words, make intelligible sentences, and maintain brain function was becoming acute. I was introduced to the concept that our nervous system and physiology stores trauma, causing varied challenges including disruptions in brain function. I decided to investigate the possibility of having a functional MRI to determine if my symptoms were caused by post-concussion factors.
My experience of the technologically advanced fNCI followed by the 2-week personalized intense treatment program at Cognitive FX in Provo UT was a game changer for me. Through their very thorough approach to regaining cognitive function, I realized amazing results, the scan at the end of treatment revealing all areas of function at or near "normal" range, up from the scan at intake revealing severe under-performing brain function. The various areas of focus were tailored to my individual challenges indicated by the initial scan, helping me to achieve cognitive function that I was afraid I had perhaps permanently lost. I cannot think of anything lacking in the attentive and caring treatment I received and I am grateful beyond words for the hope and solid program for continuing improvement they have given me for going forward. The reward for their dedicated hard work coupled with my determined effort was worth everything invested in this process.
Nickie Gallaher
So grateful that I found Cognitive FX after digging through the latest clinical guidelines on post-concussion/traumatic brain injury treatment and understanding that Cognitive Fx is one of the few, if only, places that takes an active and evidence-based approach to treating brain injury through rebuilding neural connects vs the antiquated approach that "the brain will heal on its own". I was experiencing migraines, extreme fatigue, and brain fog a couple months following a head injury from a fall. My brain was not getting better on its own. I was functional, but miserable and exhausted, often anxious and confused often, and did not feel like myself. Something was really off. I did a a consult with Dr. Fong and her explanation of why I might still be experiencing symptoms was the first time anything made sense. I decided to do 1 week at Cog Fx. The functional MRI was illuminating and helped me understand which areas of my brain were damaged. The week at Cog Fx was an intense, multi-pronged approach to cognitive rehabilitation. I had moments when things started to become less foggy, and after a couple weeks of recovery at home, I could tell things had improved significantly. I went back for a second week at Cog Fx, and now 3 months later (with ongoing home exercises and vision therapy as Cog Fx recommended) I'm about 85% recovered and hopeful I will recover even more within the next year. I'm back to my cognitively demanding job full time. I've learned that brain recovery takes work and persistence. If you are willing to put in the work, I would absolutely recommend Cognitive Fx to anyone who has had a concussion or brain injury. They get it and they can help.
Katherine Allen
The 2 week EPIC treatment at cognitive FX gave me my life back after many months of struggling with the effects of long-term carbon monoxide poisoning. I had seen Doctors, neuropsychologists and a laundry list of medical professionals in between, but Cognitive FX is the only place that was not only knowledgeable of my TBI, but confidently knew how to facilitate my successful recovery.
As i write this review, I am 8 weeks post-treatment. The staff was so knowledgeable, caring and attentive, adapting the plan consistently to progress and with complete focus on the solutions that my brain needed to function as it did before. I can say with complete sincerity that I felt better after two weeks than I had felt in years. The people in my life, Loved ones, family, coworkers and friends immediately noticed that "the old me" was back. Cognitive FX not only gave me my life back, it gave me back to those I care about. Recovering from a TBI is full of ups and downs, but to leave treatment feeling as if it had never happened was so much more than I could have ever asked for. If you or anyone you know has suffered from a brain injury, I cannot encourage you enough to reach out to Cognitive FX. They are so knowledgeable of the brain and the wonderful things it can do, you will not regret making the call. It can be very difficult to know something is wrong with your brain and to keep fighting for a solution when doctor after doctor, specialist after specialist tells you "there is nothing we can do" but if that fight leads you to cognitive FX, you will walk away with results. They DO know what to do, they are on the forefront of recovery treatment and are committed to improving the lives of everyone that walks through the door. You do not have to suffer, you do not have to settle, you do not have to "learn to live with it", you can call Cognitive FX and get your life back. No frills, no flowery speeches about feelings, Just science, top notch medical care and most importantly, results..